The 2017-18 snow year was a good one for much of Washington, with snowpacks coming in above average.  But despite snowpacks above 100%, the NRCS said it’s important as we transition into the warmer weather, you focus on water conservation.


“As we have to start feeding more and more people around the world, produce more products and commodities, it’s going to take more water," said NRCS' Scott Pattee.  "Well, we don’t have any more water, really, or we’re not going to receive any more water, so we need to make what we have stretch further, and that’s the best way to do that. Through conservation and efficacy.”


Pattee said conservation can include maintaining existing line to ensure water is not lost, or using updated equipment to ensure water gets to its intended target, or even the latest apps and technology can help conserve water. Click Here for tips and ideas to stretch your water.



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