IDAHO-  The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Environmental Quality Incentive Program-National Water Quality Initiative (EQIP-NWQI) is delivered jointly with State water quality agencies and the Environmental Protection Agency. EQIP-NWQI addresses sources of water pollution, such as nutrients, sediment, and pathogens in priority watersheds throughout the country. In Fiscal Year 2019, NWQI was expanded to include Source Water Protection Areas (SWPAs) for ground and surface water sources of drinking water.  

NRCS State Conservationists consult with State water quality agencies and partners, including drinking water providers, to evaluate the status of current and proposed NWQI watersheds and SWPAs based on NWQI criteria, state priorities, and NRCS leadership approval.  

From April 29 through June 7, State water quality agencies, partners and NRCS Idaho may:  

  • Propose new sub-watersheds for the Fiscal Year 2025 planning and implementation phases of NWQI; 
  • Propose new NWQI SWPAs for either ground or surface public water supplies for planning or implementation phase; 
  • Propose to withdraw current NWQI sub-watersheds or SWPAs; 
  • Update current implementation sub-watersheds. This can include adding additional sub-watersheds that have an existing plan such as an Agricultural Implementation Plan. 

The deadline for proposals to be submitted to the State Office is June 7. 

There is no limit on the number of NWQI sub-watersheds in a state. Idaho currently has 20 Implementation Phase and 18 Planning Phase watersheds. 

To learn more, contact Maureen Pepper, State Water Quality Specialist for NRCS Idaho, either by phone at (208) 378-5723 or via email at . 

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All facts and information was provided by this Idaho Agriculture Infographic from 2021.

Gallery Credit: Parker Kane

LOOK: Counties with the most farmland in Idaho

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Gallery Credit: Stacker

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