Promotion and marketing have always been key to the success of the dairy industry. As a dairy farmer and long time supporter and board member of the National Dairy  Checkoff Program, Allen Merrill has seen all forms for promotion for his product. Yet he acknowledges

"The communication skillset has changed a lot since I’ve been involved in checkoff and I think it’s a good opportunity for us to learn from the process."

With much of that involving the expansion of both messages and messager services. Merrill uses the example of his daughter, who is not like dad in that the local television news cast is not her source for information.

"We know it’s on a social media platform is one way to do that but it’s gotta be brief, concise because they want it delivered in a short amount of time and they make the decisions quicker than dads do and it’s a learning curve for all us," Merrill noted.

He added, dairy promotion in recent years addresses, consumer questions about health, nutrition, and sustainability. While innovations and varieties of products continue to increase.

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