After a summer of hot smoky conditions, most of the Northwest welcomed the cooler and in some cases wetter weather that moved in this week.  And while temperatures are expected to rebound slightly Wednesday, Marilyn Lohmann with the National Weather Service anticipates we’ll see cooler weather as we move closer to the holiday weekend.


“There are a couple of systems moving through southern Canada, but it looks like any moisture will be over the Northern Cascades, and along the Canadian border.  We really don’t see any precipitation heading out way through the mid-part of September and that’s likely to affect some fall and winter planting, as the top soil is quite dry across much of the region.”


Thanks to El Niño, Lohmann expects this warm, dry pattern to stick around.


“The outlook through fall and early winter is for increased chances of above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation, which is normally what is seen east of the Cascades with an El Niño.”


Marilyn expects the upcoming week to be cooler than normal, with highs in the upper 70s to low 80s and dry.





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