Consumers Overwhelmed by Conflicting Food Information
American consumers are getting more information about their food than ever before. However, consumers are still short on nutritional literacy and it may be affecting the nation’s health.
Those are just a few of the findings from the 12th annual Health and Food Survey conducted by the International Food and Health Information Foundation. Similar to results from previous years, the Foundation notes that Americans are feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of conflicting information available.Foundation CEO Joseph Clayton says, “This year, we’re finding troubling signs that the information glut is translating into faulty decisions about our diets and health.”
Eight out of ten consumers responding to the survey say they encounter a lot of conflicting information about what to eat and what to avoid. 77% of the respondents says they rely in part on family and friends for health information, topping other sources like news programs and the internet. Some of the most trusted sources include registered dietitians, other health professionals, as well as health-focused websites.
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