As more and more operations are looking at ways to have the latest information and data, for less money, drones are quickly becoming a more cost effective option.  In a recent speech, Seth Flanders with the Spokane Conservation District, discussed how drones can help with crop yields, update a grower on chlorophyll levels and much more.  In addition to the technical information, he says the high definition images are available very quickly.


“Some of the highest advanced cameras that can go on these drones and be able to take pictures where you can zoom in and see particular parts of your field and be able to make those decisions that may be able to benefit your fields in someway.”


Flanders said using drone technology is completely voluntary, and will not be forced on a grower.  He added it’s a good idea for growers interested in using drone technology to do so slowly, to get comfortable, before using it in every aspect of the operation.



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