When it comes to robbing wheat growers of their yields, many things are out of the control of the producer, whether that’s rainfall, summertime heat, etc.  But one thing growers can control is their weed management.  In an effort to help wheat growers across the PNW, Limagrain Cereal Seeds has introduced Co Axium Soft White.  Mike Klicker with Limagrain said resistance to cheatgrass and cereal rye is a big problem for many growers.


“With Co Axium Soft White Wheat, they will be able to have clean fields for the first time in many, many years.  In this past year, we’ve seen yields reductions 30% due to cheatgrass and cereal rye in certain places and we shouldn’t see that with the new Co Axium Soft White Wheat.”


Klicker noted Co Axium Soft White was developed at Colorado State University, and this is the first year it’s available in the Northwest.  He added they’ve seen a trend for the past couple of years with weed resistance due to changing tillage and farming practices that has added significant weed pressure to the grower.


“Co Axium is a new alternative, and fortunately the GMG group raised enough stocks to make it available to most farmers that want to start a trend in changing their weed management program.”


Growers interested in trying Co Axium should contact GMG group members, which includes Mid-Columbia Producers, Northwest Grain Growers, Primeland Coop, PNW Coop, and Highline Grain Growers.



If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail glenn.vaagen@townsquaremedia.com 

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