As the state looks at life after the Gray Wolf has been delisted, the Washington Cattlemen’s Association said it’s important a plan be in place to ensure all parties are represented.  Executive Vice President Sarah Ryan, told the Washington Ag Network several conservation and agriculture groups, including the Washington Cattlemen’s Association, the Cattle Producers of Washington and the Farm Bureau  are calling for a post delisting plan, in writing.


Ryan added they’ve e-mail the proposal, titled “Words Matter”, to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, but a formal paper version will be presented Friday.  She said the state must decide how wolves, livestock and wildgame will live together.


“There needs to be specific population controls, maybe not numbers but an exact idea; OK, at this point we can do this with a wolf, or cannot and if a wolf is depredating on livestock what does that mean?  How quickly can we take action against that wolf or that pack if they become habituated to attacking livestock.”


She added state Fish and Wildlife needs to determine what ungulate populations need to be determined, so livestock don’t become an attractive option for wolves.



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