The Kittitas County Farmers Market will have some new entertainment and energy on Saturday as it runs alongside the Buskers in the Burg festival.


Molly Jones with the Ellensburg Downtown Association said they wanted to celebrate street performers and be a good partner with the market.


“We want to make sure they [the visitors] have plenty of stuff to do and they’re going to stick around for the entire festival so we promote the farmers market and in turn the farmers market will promote buskers because that draws a really strong crowd as well.”


An example could be that families could bring kids down and they’ll different activities either at the market or at the festival and can find the one that works for them while shopping at the market.


Jones called it a one-stop shop for families.


“People are able to go to the farmers market and get their produce and spend their time doing that while their kids have plenty of stuff to do. There’s music and art. Our farmers market doesn’t just have produce, they also have handmade goods and artists, etc. in their mix of booths and so it really does tie in well with what we are celebrating in the busker festival.”


For those of you that don’t know, a busker is a street performer and can be a musician, a mime, an artist, or many other things.


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