This is National FFA Week.  It’s an opportunity for chapters around the country to share what FFA is and the impact it has on members every day.  Oregon’s Shea Booster serves as the Western Region Vice President.


“I think most see National Convention [in Indianapolis] as the biggest part of the year for FFA," Booser said."I’d like to see National FFA Week be the biggest part of members, because it’s a whole week dedicated to celebrating the organization that we love, and celebrating what it has done for us, celebrating the eight million members that came before us.”


Booster said he’s looking forward to getting involved with some of the local chapters there to see how they celebrate FFA Week.


“I know my hoe chapter use to do cowpie BINGO, other chapters played donkey basketball, some advocate for their FFA programs, for agriculture, through service events, and fundraisers, anything they can do to get their name out there, but also the name of the FFA, and the mission of what we’re doing, within the organization.”


Booster added it’s important to spread the message about FFA during this special week.  National FFA Week runs through Saturday the 23rd.




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