The annual Blueberry Research Review takes place on October 5th beginning at 9:00 a.m. at WSU’s Mount Vernon Research and Extension Center and will be viewable at WSU’s Prosser Research and Extension Center and their Clark County campus.


The meeting is held in conjunction with Washington Red Raspberry Commission’s research review which takes place the previous day.


Pesticide credits will be available for both meetings.



  • Developing commercial blueberry cultivars adapted to the Pacific Northwest with an emphasis on tolerance of Blueberry shock virus (BIShV). Chad Finn, USDA.Non-toxic RANi-based biopesticide to control spotted wing drosophila. Choi, Man-Yeon/USDA-ARS

    Blueberry Tissue Nutrient Standards for Washington Production. Joan Davenport/WSU

    Improvement of Pollination through Pollinator Supplementation in Washington Highbush Blueberry. Lisa Devetter/WSU

    Root Weevil Research Project. Bev Gerdeman/WSU

    Mummy Berry of Blueberry: Updates, Prediction Model Validation and Fungicide Resistance. Tobin Peever, WSU

    Modeling Blueberry Cold Hardiness in Washington. Gwen Hoheisel/WSU

    Testing of Several Herbicide Programs in Blueberry. Tim Miller/WSU

    A wake up call for rhizomes: Can exogenously applied phytohormones disrupt apical dominance, deplete stored resources, and make field bindweed more susceptible to control? Sosnoskie, Lynn/WSU

    Assessing Blueberry virus Risks in Washington: Blueberry Scorch, Shock, Fruit Drop and Tomato Ringspot and Surveys of Washington Blueberry Fields for Aphids.  Chris Benedict/WSU

    Fungicide Decline Curves for Blueberry to Assist Growers in Meeting MRLs. Alan Schreiber/ADG.

    Developing Organic Controls for SWD in Blueberries.  Alan Schreiber/ADG

    Do Herbicides Used on Blueberries Create Obstacles to Exports?  Alan Schreiber/ADG

    Control of Mummy Berry in Organic Blueberries.  Alan Schreiber/ADG

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