Trade, and improving trade, is critically important for the U.S. dairy industry.  Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin, a democrat, said trade is vitally important to all sectors of the U.S. economy, including dairy, but the U.S. needs fair trade agreements.  Baldwin says the Trump administration needs to double down its efforts to renegotiate NAFTA.


"My understanding is that they have not been making significant headway in those negotiations, and my sense is, the Administration would be better off to sort of double down and renew their commitment to talking and working these through rather than take their marbles and walk away, or threaten to pull out in its entirety.”


Baldwin said if the Trump administration chooses to withdraw from the agreement, there are things that the Senate could do to put pressure on, or retaliate against the administration, but the Senate can’t reverse the President’s action.


“Really a lot of influence would be able to take place over a presidential appointee that have to do with trade negotiations, etc.  There is a lot of power that the senate has but, not necessarily to reverse an action.”



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