Amazon and the Environmental Protection Agency reached a settlement penalizing the online giant 1 point 2 million dollars for selling illegal pesticides.  Ed Kowalski with the EPA said this all started in 2013 when interns spotted illegal pesticide products being sold on Amazon through 3rd party sellers, when they were doing routine checks on online marketplaces.


"Amazon immediately removed the illegal products from their website and put in place several corrective measures to make sure these products are never sold through again," said Kowalski.


Despite the company compiling with the EPA, Chad Schulze said it is still being penalized for nearly 4,000 violations because he says all retailers have the responsibility to know the laws.


"I want to take this opportunity to encourage customers who are shopping for pesticides online, to please look for the EPA registration number, look for it on the labeling, look for it on the pictures that are provided the page," says Schulze.


This is one of the largest penalties assessed under federal pesticides laws. ​



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