The sixth annual Women in Agriculture Conference is just around the corner.  The video conference, which features female farmers and ranchers will be available at 40 locations around the Northwest.  Oregon Department of Agriculture Director Alexis Taylor, one of the keynote speakers.


“We as women in agriculture, there is no level we can’t achieve and really coming together and supporting each other, we can build that community to help others who are interested in getting into farming or ranching or fishing to help them navigate the waters we have already navigated.”


Taylor said she is an example of how women can achieve leadership positions within the ag industry.  She added one of her messages is that women can do anything they set their mind to.


“My dad only had two daughters. So when the cows needed to get fed, one of us was doing it. When he needed someone to haul grain for him and drive the tractor, one of us was doing it. There was nothing that because were just girls, young girls, working on a farm that was kind of off limits because, oh no, that’s not girl work. The boys do that.”


Taylor adds her keynote address, will emphasize the benefits of mentorship and the importance of seeking an active role in leadership.  For a state like Oregon, where nearly 40% of farm operators are women– higher than the national average– this conference supports the notion women are a critical demographic in agriculture.


The Women in Ag Conference is November 18th.



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