We're close to reaching the peak of agritourism season, what with corn mazes, pumpkin patches, Christmas trees, etc. and some businesses are still unsure of whether they should jump in on agritourism.


Executive Director of the World Food Travel Association Erik Wolf said the Columbia Basin has a great selling point to food tourists.


“You’ve got the authenticity. It was grown here, it was made here, it was raised here. It’s all from here.”


Wolf says by adding a tourism, or entertainment experience it can add revenue for a farmer.


Before getting started down the agritourism path, Wolf recommends seeking out help first.


“Work with someone who is an expert in the industry, who can show them the ropes and help them to prevent a waste of time, money and effort.”


New laws also put into place in Olympia is offering protections for Washington producers who participate in agritourism against frivolous lawsuits.


If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail krounce@cherrycreekradio.com.


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