Before the 2017 session started in Olympia, the Republican-led Majority Caucus merged the committee that covered agriculture, water, rural economic development with the committee on trade and economic development.  And Judy Warnick will chair this new supper committee.  Will this merger benefit the ag community?


“We’ll I certainly hope so, it’s increasing the priority for me,” said the Moses Lake Republican.


Warnick added not only will this new super committee bring attention on ag, from seed to shipment, but also will increase awareness to lawmakers that come from more urban areas.


“We have many members on the committee, including our ranking member who are not agricultural related, and so it’s going to help me educate the colleagues that I have to what agriculture is all about.”


In addition to leadership of the ag super committee, Warnick will also serve as the Majority Coalition Caucus vice chair, meaning she will reside at internal meeting and coordinate committee activities.



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