Officers of the National Association of Wheat Growers are in Washington, D.C. this week meeting with members of Congress.  The wheat growers are stressing the importance of passing a farm bill this year.  NAWG President Jimmie Musick of Oklahoma says its “critical” to talk with lawmakers about completing the farm bill reauthorization before the current farm bill expires.


Members of the Kansas Association of Wheat Growers, Texas Wheat Producers Association, and Washington Association of Wheat Growers joined the national officers on Capitol Hill.


The Association notes that net farm income of wheat farmers is expected to decline more than 21% year-over-year combining with low commodity prices and a suffering ag economy, all reasons “strong farm bill programs are key” to allow growers to continue farming.  House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway is hoping to bring the new farm bill to the full House of Representatives for consideration as early as next week.


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