The summer has been busy for FFA students across Washington.  The 3rd annual, Washington Agriculture Leadership Experience, or WALE, wraped up Tuesday in Yakima.  During this three day event, students from across Washington file in to one location to learn all they can about the local ag industry.


“This year it’s in Yakima, so they are going to experience fruit orchards, they are going to experience some horse farms" Washington FFA Executive Director Abbie DeMeerleer.  "They get to see agriculture outside of what they know.”


DeMeerleer said WALE leads to better, well rounded students who have a better understanding of the variety of Washington Ag.


While that conference was taking place, FFA was also holding the District Officer Training, also in Yakima.  DeMeerleer says a key part of the DOT is training FFA officers how to communicated effectively about the ag industry.


“And help students understand the opportunities beyond the farm.  One of the things we really try to focus on is how can they as FFA members be leaders how can they be scientists and how can they be great speakers on behalf of agriculture.”


She added these conferences help create and grow great relationships.





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