The USDA will hold a listening session for input on implementation of the 2018 Farm Bill.  USDA is seeking public input on the changes to existing programs implemented by the Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Risk Management Agency.  Each agency will consider stakeholder input when making discretionary decisions on program implementation.


The listening session will be held February 26th, at USDA offices in Washington, D.C.  The listening session is open to the public, however, participants must Register On-line at  by February 22, to attend.


USDA undersecretary for farm production and conservation Bill Northey said the farm bill “improves farm safety net programs, protects federal crop insurance, and preserves strong rural development and research initiatives.” He says USDA is eager to hear from stakeholders on how the agency can “streamline and improve program delivery while also enhancing customer service.”



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