The USDA recently launched a new interactive feature on its website to help rural communities combat the opioid epidemic in rural America.  The map is designed to help visitors learn more about, access, and replicate actions that other rural leaders are taking in small towns across the country to address the epidemic.  The map will help visitors find out more about the most successful prevention, treatment, and recovery options that others are using to fight opioid abuse.


Anne Hazlett, Assistant to the Secretary for Rural Development, says the epidemic has taken a monumental toll on many of the small towns and rural places that are the heartbeat of our country.


To check out the map, or find out what resources are available through the USDA, visit the USDA's Website.


“USDA is a strong partner to rural leaders in addressing this issue through programs for prevention, treatment, and recovery, as well as programs that build rural resiliency and prosperity for the future.” USDA collected information on the most successful practices in combatting the opioid epidemic through a series of regional “roundtables” and through the “What’s working in your town?” form on the USDA opioid misuse webpage.


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