President Trump addressed a wide variety of agriculture topics at the AFBF Convention in Nashville Monday.  During his 40 minute address, Trump said one of his main objectives was repealing WOTUS.


“And I have to say this, when I signed it, I said ‘oh, I’m going to be killed on this one’.  And you know what, people can to me and they saw me and they were crying.  Men that were tough and strong, women that were tough and strong they see me, there are tears coming down their eyes, because I gave them back their property, I gave them back their farms…they couldn’t use them.”


Trump also noted that his administration and ag committee leaders are working hard on the 2018 Farm Bill, and at this point, he feels things are going well.


“And I’m looking forward to working with Congress to pass the Farm Bill on time, so that it delivers for all of you.  And I support a bill that includes crop insurance, unless you don’t want me to.  I guess you like it, right.”


Trump was the first sitting President to address the AFBF Convention since George H.W. Bush in the early 1990s.




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