Troy Idaho

SpeakAg Pioneers Looks To Put A Young Face To Ag
SpeakAg Pioneers Looks To Put A Young Face To Ag
SpeakAg Pioneers Looks To Put A Young Face To Ag
In an effort to promote the industry to a younger audience, earlier this month the National FFA announced 12 state officers that will serve as the voices of Agriculture.  The SpeakAg Pioneers program is an effort for FFA members interested in careers in communication and advocacy to advance their skills.  Kristy ...
Future of Farming: What Brought You To FFA?
Future of Farming: What Brought You To FFA?
Future of Farming: What Brought You To FFA?
This week, Idaho FFA Vice President Josh Nelson talks about why he decided to join his local chapter in North Idaho.   If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail ...