Cody Lyon

AFBF: Support Legislation To Improve Broadband Mapping
AFBF: Support Legislation To Improve Broadband Mapping
AFBF: Support Legislation To Improve Broadband Mapping
The American Farm Bureau Federation says now is the time for the farming community to show support for the bipartisan Broadband Data Improvement Act.  AFBF said the legislation would improve the accuracy of broadband coverage maps and better direct federal funds for broadband buildout.  Co...
Ag Preparing For State of the Union
Ag Preparing For State of the Union
Ag Preparing For State of the Union
President Trump plans to press key issues of importance to agriculture in Tuesday night’s State of the Union address.  Trump in his third prime-time address to the nation from the U.S. House chamber will call on Congress to work with him on several fronts: infrastructure, lowering health care costs, immigration reform, ratifying the USMCA, and confronting China on unfair trade practices.  However,
Farm Bill Clears House on Thursday
Farm Bill Clears House on Thursday
Farm Bill Clears House on Thursday
On Thursday, the House approved Resolution 2, better known as the Farm Bill.  Cody Lyon, managing director for advocacy and political affairs at the American Farm Bureau Federation, says House approval of the Farm Bill moves the measure closer to the finish line, as the Senate prepares to vote on its version of the legislation.  ...