cherry institute

78th Annual Cherry Institute Goes On-Line In Late January
78th Annual Cherry Institute Goes On-Line In Late January
78th Annual Cherry Institute Goes On-Line In Late January
Because of the ongoing impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the 2021 Cherry Institute will hold a virtual conference in late January. Washington State University tree fruit specialist, Tianna DuPont, said this year’s event will cover a variety of exciting and important topic, both live and on demand. "T ...
Cherry Institute Highlights Success, Challenges in Industry
The annual cherry institute was plagued by an ice storm that made it a challenge to attend, but for those who made it, they were able to hear about establishing new blocks, cracking, FSMA among others.   Northwest Cherries’ James Michael said he was excited to see the number of smart phones in the room that were used to capture the information through photos of the presentations.   “...