cattle producers

Farmers, Ranchers Required to File Ownership Information
Farmers, Ranchers Required to File Ownership Information
Farmers, Ranchers Required to File Ownership Information
In 2021, Congress passed the Corporate Transparency Act, requiring businesses to report the identity of their owners.  The goal, prevent crimes by knowing the identity of corporation owners. That means many small businesses like farms and ranches are required to comply with this   Under the Act, companies with 20 or fewer employees are required to report information about their beneficial owners,
Merkley, Wyden Call For Grazing Flexibility
Merkley, Wyden Call For Grazing Flexibility
Merkley, Wyden Call For Grazing Flexibility
On Tuesday, Oregon senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley urged the Department of the Interior to support Governor Tina Kotek’s request for emergency authorizations to allow flexibility in grazing schedules.  Kotek’s request would also use alternative grazing areas in response to the current wildfire disaster in Oregon.     “The grazi...
Senators Reintroduce Bill to Defend Cattle Producers
Senators Reintroduce Bill to Defend Cattle Producers
Senators Reintroduce Bill to Defend Cattle Producers
Senators Jon Tester, Chuck Grassley, and Mike Rounds recently reintroduced their Meat Packing Special Investigator Act, which they say is an effort to fight consolidation and enforce the national anti-trust laws.  The bill would create the “Office of the Special Investigator for Competition Matters” within the USDA.  The office would be...
Contraction Expected To Continue Into 2023
Contraction Expected To Continue Into 2023
Contraction Expected To Continue Into 2023
After at least five years of annual growth, the year ahead looks like one of contraction for the U.S. meat industry.  But USDA chief economist Seth Meyer was quick to point out the contraction is only occurring in one sector.   “Pork, boilers, turkey all up year over year in 2023.  But, beef producti...