Canyon County

ISDA On The Lookout For Japanese Beetle
ISDA On The Lookout For Japanese Beetle
ISDA On The Lookout For Japanese Beetle
It’s not just the state of Washington that is on the lookout for the Japanese beetle.   The Idaho State Department of Agriculture is again conducting a full-court press against the Japanese beetle.  This invasive pest is highly destructive, and feeds on more than 300 different commodities, such as hops, roses, grapes and more.   ISDA is cur...
Malheur County Designated Disaster
Malheur County Designated Disaster
Malheur County Designated Disaster
On Tuesday, Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue designated Malheur County, Oregon, as a primary natural disaster area. Producers who suffered losses caused by recent drought may be eligible for FSA Emergency Loans. The designation allows FSA to extend emergency credit to producers recovering from natural disasters. Em ...