4th District Congressman Dan Newhouse

Legislation Introduced to Align Organic Ag with Industry
Legislation Introduced to Align Organic Ag with Industry
Legislation Introduced to Align Organic Ag with Industry
The organic agriculture sector has been a growing segment for over 100 years but was really spurred in the 1990s. Now, Washington's Congressman from the 4th District, Dan Newhouse, has introduced legislation to help continue building on the organic agriculture front.
Amendment to Stop Funding New BLM Rule
Amendment to Stop Funding New BLM Rule
Amendment to Stop Funding New BLM Rule
An amendment to prohibit funds from being used to finalize the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) proposed “Landscape and Conservation Health” rule was adopted in the Interior and Environment Appropriations.
Endangered Species Act Working Group Established
Endangered Species Act Working Group Established
Endangered Species Act Working Group Established
The Working Group will seek to examine how the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is being implemented by federal agencies, the practical impacts on the American people, how litigation is driving ESA decision-making, and how success is defined under the ESA.