The Washington Policy Center’s Farm to Free Market Dinner is Tuesday at the Red Lion in Pasco.  This year’s topic focuses on the continued assault against the Snake River dams.  Many in the environmental community have called for the dams to be removed, saying it will help salmon returns and the overall environment.


Todd Myers with the WPC said their guest speaker, Peter Kareiva, disagrees with those arguments.


“He is very skeptical of what the environmental left is saying, he supports the science that NOAA fisheries itself has found that the dams don’t have a significant impact on salmon and removing the dams would not significantly increase salmon,"Myers said.  "So it’s a huge expenditure for not very much.”


Myers also noted that Kareiva was formerly the National Science Director for the Nature Conservancy, and also worked with National Marine Fisheries.  Farm to Fee Market is Tuesday evening at the Pasco Red Lion.  To learn more, or to purchase tickets to the dinner, visit the Washington Policy Center's Website.



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