Speaking to reporters after a farm bill listening session in Georgia, Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue said crop insurance is a big part of the next farm bill.


“In the farm bill we want to have a good safety net based on crop insurance that allows them to provide insurance in light of weather disasters or price disasters that happen on the farm.”


Perdue pointed specifically to peaches and blueberries as crops that will likely still need to have some sort of crop insurance that is so vital and could grow.


That said, Perdue knows there’s a tough fight ahead and crop insurance may not be the same once pen is put to paper.


“We look forward to a robust crop insurance program. I think we can make some tweaks and make it more beneficial to both the farmers and the American public.”


Negotiations on the 2018 Farm Bill are expected to renew once Congress is back in session after their August break.

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