After five stops across the Inland Northwest, RDO wraps up the boom spray portion of their clinics to help growers prepare for the upcoming season.  Erin Hightower with RDO said Thursday’s event in Ritzville will be a great educational opportunity for any producer that uses a large sprayer.  She noted the morning session will focus on helping growers to think holistically and properly about their system.


“We’re going to be talking about nozzle selection, when is the right time to switch those nozzles out when you’re doing a particular spray.  Sometimes we all just put one sprayer nozzle on and just go, and that is the incorrect way of doing it, we want you do use your sprayers correctly.  The other part of that will be how to calibrate for speed, how to calibrate for all of the different issues you might have during the spraying season.”


Hightower said the second half of the day will focus on problem solving the field.


“When you need to change your boom height, why you need to change your boom height, if you are seeing certain issues that are very common, that may be easier for your to fix than calling a technician, how to do that.”


Hightower noted while RDO sells John Deere products, Thursday’s clinic will not focus on John Deere products exclusively, and will be applicable regardless of what kind of equipment you use.  For questions or to register, contact RDO’s Pasco Office.



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