President Trump addressed farming, immigration and labor force during a recent stop in Michigan.


"For the farmers, we’re going to let your guest workers come in.  They’re going to work on your farm, we’re going to have the H2-B’s come in, but then they have to go out.  Then they have to go out.”


Sonny Perdue said that’s the same message he’s heard from the President since his first day on the job.


“He said we understand agriculture needs foreign born workers and we want a legal network where they can come and we can know who they are, where they are and provide the workers that agriculture needs.”


Some in the ag community have complained that the current system for bringing in workers is so complex and ridged, that its really not workable for them.  Some farmers, specifically livestock producers say they need workers on more than a seasonal basis.  Some in the farming community claim recent crackdown efforts have kept needed workers away.


While several pieces of legislation have been introduced to address the guest worker programs, nothing has gained much momentum.



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