PNW Ag Is Looking to Hire a New Radio Host
The Pacific Northwest Ag Network (PNW Ag) is looking to hire a radio host and content leader.
We're looking for someone with radio experience and a passion for all things Ag.
We’re searching for someone with strong character, ambition, experience, success, and heart to help maximize the performance of our team’s talent, grow our audience size (on-air and online), and help generate revenue via programs, features, promotions, endorsements, our digital platforms, and events.
Responsibilities include an hour-long radio show (NW Ag Today) at 5AM M-F and multiple short form audio segments per day, plus two original articles per day minimum on the network site. Host will oversee distribution of all broadcast content across PNW Ag Network delivery technology to affiliates including the addition of embedded network advertising commercials and PSAs.
Our PNW Ag Radio Host will be expected to maintain relationships with Ag commodity group leaders, university spokespeople/research leaders, political leaders, and leading farmers/ranchers for relevant and timely content contribution; to attend in-person Ag Shows, Conventions, Field Days, and Press Conferences when in the region and deemed relevant by management.
Additional responsibilities, qualifications, and details on how to apply are detailed on the Townsquare Media Careers website.