The next time you are looking for a high quality wine, look for one that uses organically grown grapes as it likely scored higher with experts.


This according to research by UCLA Professor Maggie Delmas who looked at tens of thousands of experts’ scores and found that wine that used organically grown grapes generally rated higher than traditionally grown grapes.


“The grapes are going to be better with organic practices. One reason is that because they don’t have so many chemicals, they are easier to work with and some people say they actually taste more of the terroir.”


This goes against what Delmas said is the public perception that organic wine is of a lower quality, though that does seem to be changing.


Delmas believes the public just needs to be educated on how organic practices can impact grapes, though even fans of organic wine might only go so far.


“They tend to like organic wines when they are low priced but then as soon as you go above $15 then they would prefer conventional wines. They’re not pay a premium, to pay more, for organic wine.”


Organic practices, Delmas noted, mostly replace the chemical uses in vineyards with labor so it is a more intense method of growing grapes.


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