Oregon’s Department of Fish and Wildlife is required to update its Wildlife Action Plan every ten years and the next one is due in 2026.  ODFW’s Adam Baylor said it’s a statewide conservation strategy determined by agency experts and the public.


“A lot of those members of the public are also experts; whether they work for nonprofits that do environmental conservation work, other partners with other agencies, they all use this plan," he noted.  "So this is really an opportunity for the public to get a little more familiar with the process, come up with some good ideas.”


A six-month series of public engagement sessions started Monday.


“By July and August, this will be kicked over to the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission for review," Baylor said.  "After they’ve had their chance to review it, we’ll send it off to the Fish and Wildlife Service for final approval.”


Public meetings are virtual.  Learn more by visiting ODFW’s website.


If you have a story idea for the PNW Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail glenn.vaagen@townsquaremedia.com 

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