At the Oregon Farm Bureau’s Annual meeting in the first week of December, there will be competitions for the Young Farmers and Ranchers that could result in a free trip to Phoenix, possibly even a truck or tractor.


VP Dennis Myhrum said there are three contests; a discussion meet, an achievements award and an excellence in ag award.


“It provides a lot of leadership and avenues for young folks that there’s more than just going to meetings. They can participate and they can be rewarded for their efforts and their education and their involvement.”


Winners of each of the contests go to the national convention where prizes include a Chevy or GMC truck, tractors or a cash prize.


Myhrum said this is important for young people to get involved in what’s happening in agriculture.


“Young folks need to understand that those issues are just not their parents’ issues. If they intend to continue on in the operation or in agriculture they need to understand how these issues impact them now.”


Myhrum said the best preparation anyone can do is to review the videos on the American Farm Bureau website, study up on policies and ask questions of him and his staff.


Registration, discussion meet questions and much more can be found at the Oregon Farm Bureau's website.


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