After decades in the agriculture community, Judy Olson has retired as the Washington state FSA executive director.  Olson, a 4th generation farmer, says even from an early age, she was drawn to a life in ag.


“The independence, the idea you do this, and you kind of compete against Mother Nature and you try to psych out what she’s going to do.  And I’ve always liked watching things grow and reaping the harvest.”


Olson says a lot changed in the Washington ag community during her time at the FSA, including, passage of farm bills, and efforts to greatly reduce the size of government.  And while agriculture is currently in an economic down there, she’s optimistic for the industry’s future.


“More consumers nationwide and more consumers in urban America are beginning to realize that the food that they put on their table, or they eat in the restaurant, is actually raised by a farmer.  And I think that is a huge turn around.”


As far as life after FSA, Olson says she plans to stay at the family farm, which she and her husband are transferring to their son.  She also says she’s looking forward to playing with seven grandchildren.





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