As we transition into June, many of the crops across the Northwest appear to be in good shape.  Wheat conditions across the Northwest continue to look good.


According to NASS, 11% of Winter Wheat  in Oregon is considered very-poor to poor with the remaining rated Fair to Excellent.  In Washington, 2% of the winter wheat crop is considered poor, with the remaining 98% fair or higher.  Spring wheat figures show similar results in both states.


Looking at Potatoes, in Oregon, 64% of the crop is considered Good to Excellent, and none of the Oregon crop is labeled as very-poor to poor.  In Washington, 15% of the potato crop is very-poor to poor, and none of the crop is considered excellent.


Looking at onions, 8% of Oregon’s crop is considered poor, with the remaining Fair to Excellent.  Meanwhile, 11% of Washington’s onion crop is considered poor, with the remaining Fair to Excellent.


For additional numbers, visit NW Crop Numbers.


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