This is National Ag Week an opportunity for the industry to share with the rest of the country the important role fabrics and fibers play in everyday lives.  Representative Dan Newhouse, Yakima Valley farmer, said the ag industry is a very exciting future of young people, even if they aren’t interested in the production end.


“Just a lot of things that will allow young people to be on the cutting edge of science and technology  and to really be engaged  in  a lot of different ways than just in the production side of agriculture.”


Newhouse also noted Washington farming is very unique not only from the crop diversity standpoint, but also the technology and innovation used across the region.  And he said despite turbulence in the U.S. or world economies, farming will remain.


“The one thing that remains is that people have to eat and we have a growing world population, and an increasing world demand for better diets around the world which will necessitate an agricultural industry that increases production substantial in a very short time.”


In addition to National Ag Week, Tuesday, March 21st is National Ag Day, with events taking place in Washington DC and in other location across the U.S.



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