Just a few days remain in the lame duck session of Congress, but lawmakers are still working to get key pieces of legislation approved.  Representative Dan Newhouse said in the remaining days of 2018, he and others want to see the issue of Ag Labor addressed.  He said it’s important while Republican still have control of the House that they learn from their shortcomings from earlier this year.


“Take some of the lessons we learned this summer, about the Ag Reform Goodlatte 1, Goodlatte 2, you know there were different versions that we had, and try to take the best of all of those and try to put something together that we could pass in the House."


Newhouse said while it’s unlikely they’ll get something to President Trump by the end of the year, they can still set themselves up for a good 2019.


“If we can do that, I think that would really help.  We’ll have a lot of new member coming in next month, and I’d hate to have to start from zero, so if we can do this, I think it would be very helpful in moving something as quickly as possible.”


Newhouse also said there is growing interest by Democrats to address the Labor problem in the Ag industry.  However, at this point, there is no plan to move any legislation forward in Congress.


The House is scheduled to break for recess on Thursday, while the Senate is schedule to work until December 14th .




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