Only a few days remain during the lame duck session of Congress, and with a mounting list of work that needs to be done many in the farming community worry the Farm Bill will not be high on the priority list.  Central Washington’s Dan Newhouse said the Farm Bill is a priority for him and other lawmakers from Ag-based districts.  While he wouldn’t guarantee anything, he said more and more people in D.C. are confident the Farm Bill is close to a break through.


“I’m told by the Chairman [Mike Conaway] and the ranking member of the Ag committee [Collin Peterson] that we are very close, that a lot of the challenges are issues that needed to be worked out have been, so there is optimism that we will get that done before the end of the year.”


Those close to the Farm Bill conference say one of the remaining issues is the Forest Service title, but Newhouse says once that’s agreed to, the Farm Bill should get out of committee quickly and on to a vote.



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