It’s not a new movement, but there are several different groups working to have the dams on the Snake and Columbia rivers removed.  Whether the claim is about fish population, natural habitat, Representative Dan Newhouse said it’s a misguided argument.  The Central Washington Republican says it’s important those dams are protected on the federal level.  And in an effort to do that, he and Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers penned legislation earlier this year, House Resolution 3144, protecting the dams.


“This is a critical juncture because we are right now, the Energy and Water appropriations bill is in the conference committee, the language that you were talking about that I was able to get into the House version that protects our dams is not in the Senate version.”


With that omission, Newhouse said he needs farmers to take action.


“By contacting senators Murray and Cantwell, to make sure the final compromise version of the Energy and Water appropriations includes that important language pertaining to the dams, so please contact your senators and express that desire,” Newhouse said.



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