Ask Washington state Senator Tim Sheldon, and he’ll tell you legislation signed into law this week by Governor Jay Inslee will spur deployment of high-speed Internet service in rural portions of the Evergreen State.


“It is a huge issue in the rural areas.”



Senate Bill 5511 launches a $21 million program to promote rural broadband development, and also creates a Statewide Broadband Office to oversee the state’s efforts.  Sheldon said while the program is a bit smaller than the one promoted during the 2018 legislative session, he’s happy to see the Bill make it through.


The Potlatch democrat added high-speed service is critical to the state’s competitiveness, and compares it to efforts to provide telephone and electricity service in the past.


“This will hopefully start to connect our urban divide.”


The USDA, Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue, the Farm Bureau and a host of others continue to promote efforts to expand high speed and broadband services to rural Americans.



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