In a bipartisan, bicameral effort to provide vital assistance to farmers affected by PFAS, lawmakers recently introduced the Relief for Farmers Hit with PFAS Act.  Led by Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins, the legislation would authorize grants for states to provide financial assistance to affected farmers.  


PFAS are man-made "forever" chemicals used in industry and consumer products and can lead to serious health effects.  PFAS contamination has prevented some farms from selling their products, creating financial hardship for many family farmers.


Collins said, "USDA needs to step up and provide support to farmers, who at no fault of their own, are at risk of losing their livelihoods." Specifically, the funds would increase PFAS testing for soil and water sources, provide relocation of a commercial farm if the land is no longer viable, and create research on soil and water remediation systems, and the viability of those systems for farms.


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