Kotek: We Must Pay To Fight These Fires
The wildfire season in Oregon is one for the history books in a variety of ways, including for the price tag.
"All of our fires this season have cost about $214 million to fight; that’s on the Forestry side. It’s about $27 million on the State Fire Marshal side," noted Oregon Governor Tina Kotek. She said she’s working to make sure everyone gets paid, even if the state hasn’t yet received all the federal money she expects.
“Several of these large fires - several; more than several - have federal emergency management status, so we will get a significant level of reimbursement," Kotek said. "But that sometimes can be delayed. So one of the things we’re working on is making sure we understand the cash flow issues.”
Kotek said a state workgroup is looking at current funding for firefighting and fire prevention, and how to make sure it’s stable.
“Fire seasons are not going to get easier. And we as a state need to figure out how to have consistent funding, so we can do the work we need to do."
The legislature’s Emergency Board meets this month and Kotek expects it will approve the release of fire reserve funds.
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