Tuesday was National Ag Day.   While the celebrations across the nation were different, Roger Johnson, President of the National Farmers Union used the day to highlight the importance of family farmer operations.  Johnson said that Americans enjoy safe food, quality clothes and even less expensive fuel because of farmers.  And he said the benefits don’t stop there.


“Nearly half of our nation’s land is taken care of by family farmers, and our waterways and ecosystems benefit from their stewardship. Whether you’re from a rural town, a big city, or somewhere in between, you benefit economically, environmentally, and socially from family farm agriculture.”


Johnson told the Washington Ag Network consumers can supporter farmers by getting involved with the Farm Bill, and working to have it passed by the end of this fiscal year.


“Most consumers are probably unaware of the current economic crisis facing many farmers today.  The farm economy plummeted 50 percent from 2013-2016, and it has remained in this severely depressed state for the past two years. In fact, more than half of all farmers have had negative farm income in recent years. At this rate, we’re looking at losing a significant number of family farmers in the coming years if we don’t have an adequate safety net in place. And that safety net comes from the Farm Bill.”


According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, family-run farming operations make up 99% of America’s 2.1 million farms and 89% of agricultural production.



If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail gvaagen@cherrycreekradio.com

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