I’ve been grumbling about the weather.  Then I came across a post over the weekend on Facebook.  The good folks who operate the Cove in Twin Falls posted some 50-year-old pictures on Facebook.  May 4th, 1974.  Get a load of that snow!  It puts things in perspective now, doesn’t it?

The Cove has been feeding generations of Magic Valley families, but 50 years ago it may have been a slick drive to get a meal.  Today, it’s a bit cool and wet, but I prefer that in May when you consider a half-century-old alternative.

Many of us remember winters being a lot worse when we were kids, but how many remember the late snowfall in spring?  If you’re 55 or older, you probably have memories of that day.  Probably not all of them were pleasant.

A lot of us bellyache about the weather, but we don’t deal with many tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods.

Visiting the beach in winter is fun during a vacation, but most of us like the quality of life here.  Crime is low compared to a lot of other places.  The tax burden is also lighter than in many other parts of the country.  You can pretty much go about your life without anyone bothering you.

Of course, when it’s nasty here, you can always find a warm seat and a roof over your head at many of the fine restaurants in town.  And catch up on some great history.

The trade-off is shoveling some snow now and then.  Even when it buries the May flowers!

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Gallery Credit: Sterling Whitaker

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