The Agricultural Marketing Resource Center, located at Iowa State University, was started for two very important reasons.  AMRC Director Craig Chase says, the Center was put together to help farmers become more profitable.  The other goal is to enhance and increase rural economic development.  Chase said they do that by offering a wide variety of resources providing important background information.


“If you’re wanting to move from a conventional agricultural operation to a value added operation, it would list background information on what some of the marketing , as well as what some of the production, as well as some of the financial situations you should take in to consideration should be before moving from your conventional operation.”


Chase added the Ag Marketing Resource Center is closely aligned with the Value-Added Producer Grant Program.


“We are actually funded through the Rural Development and the purpose of our center is to help farmers that are looking at applying for grants to be able to get that background information to be able to show that what they are proposing to do for that grant makes sense.”


Producers with questions can also call the resources center directly or contact their state and federal rural development offices.  To learn more, or to have your specific questions answered, visit AMRC's Website.



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