By a 225 to 189 vote, the House voted in favor of legislation intended to protect the Columbia and Snake River dams.  House Resolution 3144 would return flows over the eight northwest dams by codifying the 2014 Biological Opinion.  In addition to the impacts on travel and barging on the river system, the draw down will reportedly cost Northwest energy users $40 million in 2018, alone.  The bipartisan piece of legislation was sponsored by several Northwest lawmakers, including Cathy McMorris Rodgers.


“Our dams transformed Washington state.  From what was a baron dry land to one of the most productive agriculture regions in the world.”


McMorris Rodgers said while environmental groups claim the dams have negatively impacted fish returns and populations, she says that’s simply not truel saying fish survival rates around 97%.


“And while recent ocean impacts, which scientists call a blob, have slowed salmon in the last couple of years, more total salmon have returned this year than before the dams were actually put in place.  More than 600,000 fall chinook are forecasted this year, many time higher than when they were first listed under the endangered species act.”


Other Northwest lawmakers supporting H.R. 3144 include Dan Newhouse, Greg Walden Kurt Schrader


Click Here to see the different organization voicing their support for H.R.3144.



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