A new study shows that failure to fix the Washington State Supreme Court decision on water rights could cost Washington State $7 billion.


Senator Tim Sheldon of Potlatch called the number astonishing.


“To put the brakes on in rural Washington is really going to hurt and as the study shows, it’s going to shift taxes to those that already are in business or have homes of higher value. No one is going to build.”


Sheldon also noted the rural Washingtonians often are recycling the water through the system, something not done in urban settings.


There has been bills passed by the Senate Sheldon said should be brought up to the whole House.


“I feel that the compromise we’re reaching here would certainly pass if the Speaker of the House would allow it to come to a vote in the House of Representatives. We’ve already passed the bill in the Senate with bipartisan support four times.”


Rural economies are struggling and are not enjoying the same boon that Seattle and other Puget Sound areas according to Sheldon.


If you have a story idea for the Washington Ag Network, call (509) 547-1618, or e-mail krounce@cherrycreekradio.com.

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