The past two years, cattle and calves topped the list of Oregon’s commodities and their production value, but a past top dog has reclaimed that spot.


Oregon Department of Agriculture Bruce Pokarney said, “The greenhouse and nursery sector has returned to the top spot after a two year absence, with cattle and calves dropping back into second place. This was expected, as cattle prices have dropped while the nursery industry continues its slow and steady rebound from the national recession a decade ago.”


The top 10 list had the same commodities for 2016 as it had in 2015, just in a different order.


Pokarney said Oregon’s diversity is their strength and that there is a lot of good news to go around, even as the general ag economy is struggling.


“Most of top ten ag sectors showed growth in production value over the past year. The largest gains were seen in the pear and grass seed industries, the biggest drop was in cattle and calves and wheat. Overall, Oregon has 12 commodities valued at more than a $100 million each.”


Rounding out the top 10, in order, is hay, milk, grass seed, potatoes, wheat, pears, wine grapes, and onions.

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